FREQUENCY SELECT 仪器的这个按钮会发出和您所要找的宝物相同的频率。每台仪器上都标有人们找得最多的金,银,宝石和美金的频率标识。(如金是5.0, 银是8.0, 银是4.0等。您也可以根据不同物体进行具体调试,用相应的频率来探测不同的物体。)
1. ANTENNAS 完全的伸展开3根天线。(完全伸张开后3根天线时在一个水平高度的。)
2. 如果您想降低灵敏度,也可以将接收天线后收回来,但要使这3根天线保持在一个水平高度。
3. 如上所说拿着仪器,非常慢的呈弧形地扫描,同时转动您自己。这时探测者手肘要始终紧紧地贴着身体的两侧,大概转40度至60度就可以了。注意:探测者一定要慢慢地旋转,并且要保持身体的平稳。
4. 规范您的扫描动作。首先,让接收天线正确地伸展开后。使接收天线在您的正前方,和您身体成90度展开,不能往左右两边偏转。
5. 当天线对准目标物的时候,该仪器会锁定住,尽管您跨过目标继续探测。当您觉得这个锁定是有效的,您就记住这个方向。然后,把仪器向左或向右大约移10米左右,重复刚才所说的锁定目标的过程。观察这一次的锁定方向,两个方向的交叉点就是目标物的埋藏位置。
6. 如果您觉得刚才测出来的具体位置还有一定的偏移的话,您可以从另外一个角度进行锁定。如果目标物是在10米左右以内的话,您就慢慢地,平稳地沿着其中一条所定的路线走。当您经过目标物并且就处在它的正上方的时候,仪器的3根天线就会两边摇摆。这时测出来的位置就非常准确了。
Commodities Introduction:The Raven is the latest technology in the pursuit of Long Range Locators. The Raven is an electronic RECEIVER ONLY that detects undisturbed resonant frequencies that the locator is precisely tuned to. By not transmitting a frequency we can benefit in several ways. The most important of these is that we do away with most unwanted objects whose frequencies are similar but not exact. Also there is no "Ghosting" or reflective signals that occur as there is no audio frequency being transmitted.
The Raven gives you your choice of precise settings, which will detect and pinpoint gold, silver, diamonds, and paper currency. Range on the Raven is approximately 50 - 100 yards on small items, (coins, jewelry, etc.) and one mile or more on larger targets depending on the terrain.
The main feature of the Raven is Simplicity. Controls on the unit are " frequency selector," "sensitivity" for relative target size identification, "battery test" to tell when the 9 volt battery needs replacing (lasts 15 to 20 hours) and the "on/off" switch.
The unit is truly a turn on and go locator. But don't be fooled by its simplicity. The beginner and professional alike will get many hours of successful use from this instrument. Whether you're a prospector, a small or large cache hunter, or just searching for jewelry, coins or small items, the Raven is a very affordable unit you will definitely want to check out. The Raven has been thoroughly field tested. It comes complete in a hard padded case with easy to follow instructions. Silver Round is also included for a practice target